Let the Holy Spirit Guide Your Path to Christ
English Sunday Mass at 12pm
English Bible Study on Fridays at 6pm
Sacraments & Spiritual Formation
Many adults find themselves without the Sacraments and feel left out of the church. If you have been rejected Sacraments in your chosen church, feel free to ask us how we can help. Holy Spirit of Hope stands ready to assist those who are denied Sacraments by their chosen church.
Go and make disciples of all the world, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In Marriage a couple receives understanding of how to live together forever in the same intimacy as Christ and the Church with God’s continued assistance.
Remarriage is administered without judgment.
Quinceañeras & Confirmation
Introduce your young adult to the world and help them with their journey to find and enjoy God.
Day Care &
Learning Center
We take of your children as if they were ours. Our children learn to love, share, and work together with each other to do their best in what they do.
We have the duty to take care that those who seek the sacraments are prepared to receive them.
— (843 §2)
We Love God. We Love One Another. We Grow Disciples.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and love your neighbor as yourself.”(Matthew 22:37-39)
“Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”(Matthew 28:19-20)
Our Vision is to make Church matter by nourishing the faithful and reaching out to disconnected Catholics in greater El Paso, Texas Community. We welcome everyone to our “Family in Christ”, join us and be part of the movement to be more like JESUS.
As Disciples of Christ we at Holy Spirit of Hope Charismatic Old Catholic Church therefore commit ourselves to:
Worship God in spirit and truth through “prayer without ceasing,” and particularly through the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments of the Church, all are welcomed to the Supper of Our Lord;
Create and nourish Christian community in the domestic church of the family, in the life of every parish, and in society as a whole;
Proclaim in word and deed the Good News of Jesus Christ to all persons, inviting each of our sisters and brothers in the human community to share our faith and our mission;
Teach the saving message of Christ so that all believers may come to deeper understanding, conversion and personal witness to Christ;
Serve all our sisters and brothers, particularly the poor and needy, by generous acts of charity and by working together with all people of good will for justice and peace.