Our Mission
Holy Spirit of Hope serves Christians of all denominations through Biblical enlightenment and modeling.
We specifically serve Catholic Christians through the celebration of Sacraments with appropriate Biblical teachings, specializing in assisting those denied Sacraments by their chosen church – yet not in competition with our sister church.
Our Beliefs
Holy Spirit of Hope Charismatic Old Catholic Church teaches that the Church consists of the believers in Jesus Christ and the Triune God. This church is one of the many branches of the one, holy, catholic (universal), and apostolic Church.
We believe that our relationships, with God and each other, are governed by the Ten Commandments as basic guides for living sound moral lives, and are fulfilled by Jesus’ command of love; that sin is any act not in accord with God’s definition of love; that Satan is the accuser of mankind who lies, cheats, kills, steals, and destroys through confusion of the truth unto sin. We teach the Good News that through Jesus’ death on the cross, the price for all of our sins was paid, and we have a free forgiveness of sins attainable by faith and confession.
The administration of Sacraments is a great responsibility of the Church, for through these events our faith in Christ grows as the Holy Spirit reflects His presence. This branch of Christ’s Church, without judgment, administers valid Catholic Sacraments to all who request with appropriate preparation and without delay. Taking our Great Commission seriously, we use Sacraments as special means of evangelization.
- BAPTISM is the event that starts spiritual life through membership in the Church. Infant Baptism allows parents/God-parents to accept responsibility for child until Confirmation through their acceptance of Jesus in their life. (Mt 28:19-20; Mk 16:15-16, Lk 5:17-26)
- RECONCILIATION, also CONFESSION, is an event through which one admits sins and hears God’s forgiveness and Biblical counsel for improvement. General reconciliation is part of the Mass, but special counseling is available from the pastor upon request. (2 Cor 5:16-20; Jms 5:16; 1 Jn 1:9)
- MATRIMONY, also MARRIAGE, the event through which a couple receive understanding of how to live together forever as husband and wife in the same intimacy as Christ and the Church. Remarriage is administered without judgment. (Gen 2:24; Mt 19:6 cf; Mk 10:11-12)
- HOLY ORDERS, also known as ORDINATION, is the sacrament through which deacons, priests and bishops are installed for service of the faithful. Apostolic Succession, which traces the lines of consecration of a bishop back to the Apostles, is maintained in this Church. As in the Roman Catholic Church, the priest serves the bishop by helping the local community enter into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Our clergy can be and often are married. (1 Tim 3:1-13; Tit 1:6-9; Acts 6:6; Eph 4:11-1)
- COMMUNION, also EUCHARIST, is the remembrance of Jesus’ Last Supper. Our faith converts bread to the Body and wine to the Blood of our Savior. We consume as He directed. (Mt 26:26-28; Mk 14:22-25; Lk 22:19-20; Jn 6 all; 1 Cor 10:16; and 11:27)
- CONFIRMATION is an event through which one confirms the affirmations made by parents and sponsors during infant Baptism. It is also the “altar call” experience in which, by the Holy Spirit, we learn how to enter into an intimate relationship with Jesus by the use of the gifts and fruits of the Spirit. Quinceañeras are conducted as Confirmation rites. (Jn 3 & 14:25-26)
- ANOINTING OF THE SICK. It is through this sacrament that one can be healed physically, but most certainly spiritually (by faith) through a deeper focus on the love of our Lord. (Mt 10:8; Mk 16:17-18; Jms 5:14-15)
Jesus invited His followers with a simple “Come.” We do, too.
Helping People Enter The Personal Relationship With Jesus Receiving All Baptized To Communion. United By The Call Of God, Not Man, We Provide Biblical Guidance To His Purpose For Our Life.
Our Pastors
Rev. Robert Ortega, DD, PE
Rev. Robert Ortega is Presiding Archbishop of the Charismatic Old Catholic Church Diocese of the West and Pastor of Holy Spirit of Hope Church in El Paso, TX that his family founded in May 2002.
He was ordained priest in 2002 by Archbishop Michael (RIP) of the Catholic Charismatic Church and was consecrated Bishop of the Catholic Charismatic Church in 2007.
After the death of Patriarch †Michael in February of 2011, the Catholic Charismatic Church fell into disarray so Holy Spirit of Hope found spiritual cover at the Independent Old Catholic Church under Archbishop Maurice McCormick.
Rev. Ortega completed service to his country in 2010 as a Captain (O-6) in the U.S. Public Health Service, serving as an engineer with the Indian Health Service on Indian Reservations during the Vietnam era.
Born in El Paso, TX, he completed Ysleta High School then earned both a Bachelor’s Degree and a Master of Science in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at El Paso. He retired from federal government in 2004 after achieving the rank of a senior executive officer as Acting Commissioner to the International Boundary and Water Commission.
Rev. Ortega continues to provide engineering and construction consulting as a Registered Professional Engineer in the state of Texas. He continues committed to Martha who has blessed him with 3 children, 4 grandchildren and 2 great grands.
Deacon Patricia Letto, DD
Patricia Letto was Ordained a Deacon in the Catholic Charismatic Church in 2005 by †Bishop Elias Vaporis.
Patricia married Ned Letto in 1959 and they have 3 children, 11 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren. She came from a Protestant background, but was baptized Roman Catholic in 1958 in Melrose Park, Illinois.
In 1976, Pat was baptized by the Holy Spirit leading to an arousal of her ministry. She volunteered as a Catechist in Adult Religious Education from 1997 to 2003 at Roman Catholic churches in Virginia and Texas. She has taught and currently teaching, Adult Religion and Scripture classes in Roman Catholic Churches in Virginia, Texas and Arizona, from 1997 to present.
Patricia’s spiritual development included many retreats and seminars, leading to Commission as a Spiritual Director in 2001. Patricia earned a Doctorate in Divinity in 2010 from Christ The King Theological Seminary, Inc., in Tampa, Florida, majoring in Spiritual Direction.
Patricia’s ministry includes the following: Director of Birthright, Inc. (crisis center) in Blacksburg, Virginia; offered and conducted several Retreats in Virginia, Texas, Arizona; leading a weekly Charismatic Prayer Group in Arizona; leading bi-monthly Women’s Spirituality Group in Arizona; is a Spiritual Director specializing in Dream Interviews within Spiritual Direction; active in Marriage Ministry in Arizona (Program FOCCUS: and Sacramental Marriage in the Catholic Church).
Deacon Pat is serving in Sierra Vista, Arizona area as God provides ministry.
Rev. Melissa Ortega
Rev. Melissa Ortega was born in Yuma, Arizona and currently serves as Associate Pastor in absence at Holy Spirit of Hope church in El Paso, TX.
Rev. Melissa was ordained on December 19, 2015 as a priest in the Independent Old Catholic Church by Most Rev. Robert Ortega, Bishop of the IOCC Diocese of the Southwest.
Rev. Melissa earned a BS in Biology degree from the University of Texas at El Paso in 1996. She went through extensive biblical training from 1992 to the present. She has led ministries including bible studies and children’s learning.
She was blessed by God with her only child, †Amanda Ann Elise and were constant companions until Our Lord called †Amanda home…after giving life to twins James Robert and Jude Michael.
Although encountering disabling lupus in 1994, she has enjoyed mission assignments to the Azores of Portugal, Uruguay, the Philippines and Venezuela. †Amanda joined her on most of her mission trips.